Thursday, September 27, 2012

York County

Here is a project I started and it is nearing completion so I thought I would share.  I made a trade with a friend of mine that makes hunting bags.  He makes two bags, I make two horns, we both have a matching set.  I decided on York County Screw Tips.  The pictures below reflect the two horns in the white, then his horn completed.  I am in the process of finishing mine and will post photos of the horns mated with the pouches after completion.

Several features of the York County screw tips is the plug shape and carving, the style of the tip with multiple rings, the tip fits into the horn top to utilize as a funnel and there should be a shoulder for the screw tip to rest on so the threads are not stressed. Incised lines, usually two, can be found at the base and the tip of the horn.  there is a staple in the neck and base of the horn for strap attachment.

John DeWald








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