Wednesday, January 30, 2013

18th Century Artisan's Show

Things are heating up for a good season of 18th century camping and shows.  Been busy in the workshop , filling orders and working towards some time off to enjoy the upcoming spring weather.

the 18th Century Artisan Show 2
This weekend there is a great show in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania at the Country Cupboard Restaurant that I will be setting up at along with numerous other great artisans.  It is called the 18th Century Artisan Show .  I urge all of you that are interested to stop by and check it out.  Not only is there just about anything you can think of relating to the 18th century, there is also a historical room with great displays of original rifles, horns, tools, books, and more.

The artisans that attend here are by invitation only and there work is of top notch quality.  Not only is each piece they make of heirloom quality but you will be hard pressed to find a greater group of folks.  Follow the links and check out their gives a full artisan listing and past show pictures.  Definitely worth a look.

Until Next Time - Y.M.H.&O.S. - John DeWald Jr.


Thursday, January 10, 2013

As promised

A long time in coming but as promised here is a medicine tumbler I made from cow horn.

The cup itself was made in typical fashion with a chimed bottom and then engraved with the caduceus of Mercury or more commonly known as the medical standard and the other side with units of liquid measure.   The spoon starded as a piece of flat horn and the bown was shaped with small gouges and then smoothed by scraping.  the handle was pressed into shape by heating in oil and pressed between two shaped piees of wood until cool which gives it the curve of a regular spoon handle. 

As most medicines of the 17th and 18th century werein powered form, this small 1/8 tsp measure and cup would be common in mixing the powder with liquid for consumption.





Until Next Time, I remain
John DeWald

Still Here

I guess it has been quite some time since I posted here.  We shall rememdy that today.  What follows is a couple of candle boxes.  both could be used for tobacco, but the larger of the two is more suited to a fire starting kit or something other than tobacco.

The small one is made from cow horn with cherry lid, bottom, and wax catch.  the candle cup is turned from cow horn and there is a threaded knob that will screw into the hole when in storage.  The candle provides a ready source of flame to keep the pipe lit.  The inscription on the box reads:  “A full pipe and gill of harty rum are the fathers of abiding frendships and fertel reverys”



The large one is made from watusi horn and measures approx six inches across the base. the lid, base and wax catch are from walnut and the candle cup is turned from cow horn. again this has a threaded knob to put in place of the candle cup during storage. all pieces fit into the box.

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Uploaded from the Photobucket Android App

OK Folks, until next time i remain
You Most Humble and Obedient Servant
John DeWald.